Mental Health. Physical Health. Cognitive Health. A small team of clinicians who are experts in Operator and Spouse health and wellness. The OPP-6 Program is funded through the Special Forces Charitable Trust.
Free Confidential Counseling Services for Service Members and their families.
Veterans and service members experiencing difficulties in daily life or in distress can reach out to Check-In and trust that an advocate will find a licensed professional who can help.
Choose your provider and receive anonymous care through Beyond the Battlefield SOS Program. Grants to assist through Operator hardships.
The Intensive Outpatient Program condenses 6 months of therapy into 2 weeks to give you the tools you need to manage your mental wellness and contribute to the operational readiness of your unit. They offer military sexual trauma, substance abuse and combat and traumatic event trauma.
Working in conjunction with UF Brain Health Alliance provides a single point of contact and one integrative assessment for the symptoms of traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress (PTS) and depression, and substance use to identify and point veterans and first responders to the most effective clinical or non-clinical pathways they need to gain control of their mental wellness and brain health.
A nonprofit helping US Special Operations Forces (SOF) with spine injuries find and receive the highest quality healthcare options, education, and treatment.
A veteran-founded, federally-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that specializes in medical research and education specifically on the post-9/11 veteran cohort. The Hunter Seven Foundation has quickly become the leaders in identifying potential toxic exposures and subsequent illnesses in military veterans and in turn is able to educate both the veteran population and the healthcare providers who care for them on critical health information relating to their exposures utilizing evidence-based practice.
Have questions about your coverage or plan? Talk to a professional.
Dedicated to helping United States Special Operators bring closure to their warrior story and transition to a life of peace, contentment and balance. The Foundation accomplishes its mission through a variety of transition assistance services delivered through four interrelated, mutually supporting programs.
Faith based marriage and family retreats designed specifically for veterans.
The Army's enterprise voluntary education portal that allows eligible Soldiers, Cadets and Army Civilians to request financial assistance for classroom and online learning courses anytime and from anywhere.
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